Since most roofing products are asphalt-based, the sun works to break down the oils which are a component of all asphalt-based products. This can dry the roofing membranes and create cracks that will eventually lead to roof leaks.
Fortunately, there are emulsions and coatings that can protect and extend the life of your roof. These coatings act in a similar fashion as sunscreen protects your skin.
A roof inspection by a certified professional roofing contractor to give you an evaluation of your roof would be the first step in assessing the condition of your roof.
]]>If your commercial flat roof is beyond 10 years old or your residential roof is over 15, it’s a good bet that some maintenance or replacement is in order.
The time to repair or replace your roof is not when you are experiencing leaks. Proper maintenance and inspections should be done prior to water infiltration into your home or business. Before the appearance of water inside your building, damage to roof insulation or roof decking is already taking place.
Call us today to have one of our professionals do a complete inspection of your premises.
We can go from evening temps of less than 20 degrees and moderate over 50 degrees in less than 24 hours. This movement of the asphalt roof membrane of which most commercial roofing is comprised of, is no different than damage we all see in winter on our asphalt roads. Due to winters’ adverse weather conditions, it is a good practice to do a yearly maintenance inspection of your commercial roof. This would include the cleaning of the entire roof surface, all drain baskets, gutters, checking the roof filed for thermal cracks and open seams and then finally checking all roof projections, i.e., vent pipes, heat stacks and HVAC unit curbs.
Making an appointment with a qualified and insured commercial roofing contractor is in each building owners best interest.